About Us
A motorcycle training class so unique that you can't afford to miss it, your life may depend on it! ProRider Columbus advanced motorcycle skill courses include the same training exercises used by police motor officers and motorcycle rodeo competitors.
We will teach you to apply tried and true riding techniques that are guaranteed to improve your riding ability and riding confidence.
Classes cover low-speed maneuvers, confined space turns, crash avoidance, and various braking challenges. ProRider courses are conducted by police motor officers and civilians who have successfully completed police motor school.
If you are an experienced rider, who desires to take your riding to the next level, increase your abilities, and have fun in the process... come ride with us in an upcoming class.
In Our Class, Riders Will...
• "Bond" with their personal motorcycles and familiarize with the bike's full capabilities and limitations
• Learn and practice low-speed techniques that are perfect for those pesky parking lots and tight turnarounds (...and when you want to impress your friends, or passenger).
• Practice braking, evasive maneuvers, and hazard avoidance exercises that may save your ride and your hide from serious damage, injury or death.